Student Academic Administration

Status check and Acceptance of offer

A. Status Check

To check the status of your application, use your ID, CAO or UKZN student number in the field provided. The outcome of your application could be one of the following

1. Firm offer

  • Firm offer
  • Offer with residence

2. Pending statuses where no decision has been made

  • Pending
  • Waitlisted
  • Referred for decision
  • Awaiting academic record or other documentation

3. Regret status because 

  • You did not meet the admissions requirements 
  • Programme is full
  • The offer was withdrawn because you did not accept it within the specified period.
  • You declined the offer
Click here to Check Status 

If you have been made an offer, you need to watch for the Registration page on for more infor

B. Accepting an Offer

How to accept an offer:

Kindly note that acceptance of offer for Undergraduate students is now an online process. You will receive a link on the Email address you provided when you applied and login details will be sent by SMS to your cellphone. This will enable you to access the UKZN Student iEnabler to indicate acceptance of one or more applications and to upload copies of required documents. 

Please note that the Acceptance of Offer and Indemnity documents shown will need to be downloaded, completed and signed before they can be submitted along with other required documents.

For more information on accepting an Undergraduate offer CLICK HERE

For information on accepting a Postgraduate offer Click Here

The files below are only applicable to Postgraduate Students: