The Department of Student Academic Administration (SAA) supports the vision, mission and values of the university by providing effective and efficient service to staff, current and prospective students. It strives to uphold high levels of accountability, professionalism and innovation. SAA provides the following academic support functions across the five campuses of the university:
*Click the heading to view more about function
We Operates Across All of The Five Campuses
King George V Avenue, Glenwood Durban Student Academic Administration University of KZN Durban 4041
CAMPUS WIDE ADDRESS University Road Student Academic Administration Private Bag X 54001 Durban 4000
CAMPUS WIDE ADDRESS Umbilo Road Student Academic Administration Private Bag 7 Congella 4013
CAMPUS WIDE ADDRESS Cnr. Richmond & Marianhill Rd, Pinetown Student Academic Administration Private Bag X03 Ashwood 3605
King Edward Avenue Scottsville Pietermaritzburg Student Academic Administration Private Bag X01 Scottsville 3209
King George V Avenue, Glenwood Durban Student Academic Administration University of KZN Durban 4041
CAMPUS WIDE ADDRESS University Road Student Academic Administration Private Bag X 54001 Durban 4000
King Edward Avenue Scottsville Pietermaritzburg Student Academic Administration Private Bag X01 Scottsville 3209
CAMPUS WIDE ADDRESS Cnr. Richmond & Marianhill Rd, Pinetown Student Academic Administration Private Bag X03 Ashwood 3605
CAMPUS WIDE ADDRESS Umbilo Road Student Academic Administration Private Bag 7 Congella 4013
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